Sunday, February 20, 2011


I feel like I m mummified alive
I can see but i cant feel
or maybe i m feeling too much
but this is not called comfortably numb
i feel my feet gettin cold yet i dnt seem to be to move them
i am trying to cry but i m simply canot
food doesnt seem to stay down
and i feel like sleeping all d time
buried under the covers
wont the days go by just like that
maybe someday i will wither and die under there
who thought living would be the toughest thing
they say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger
thats does kill a part of u
after u have mourned d death for some time
you move on..nobody misses anythng for too long
only u knw wht u went thru
cry for some time and people will label you week
trick is to trick odrs into thinking ntn fazes u
people say good time follow bad times
its like saying you will be monetarily compensated for
everytime God flagged you for no reason..Karma they say that
you pay for your sins..Why do i have to pay for sins
of whose memory I dnt hold..why not make them pay when they
no they have had it coming..they say life wont be worth if you dint see
sorrow..Seeing sorrow just reduces what you expect from life.So whenever you
get something remotely good you feel happier,,So I guess God is becoming stingy with what
he gives us..YOu giveth but taketh away more.They why recreate,procreate into this world of
misery.They say men are just mere puppets of God..we serve only will.So then how are we the sinners
we are merely being played out. God must be fond of dramas..Cant I suggest he start watchin Ekta Kapoor's soaps then.He will get more material than playing out our lives for us..For millions
who live with their faith vested in God dont you know he is the key source of your pain .How
do you it as logic to ask for solution from the person who created trouble..Many of you might say
that I am being selfish and just because times are bad I curse him..No i dont curse him , I believe in him solely because in today's time ,when thr is sch a dearth of people to love and to believe,I find
peace in believing in dis mythical creator..maybe I feel he would read my blog and heal my pain..
Show a path ,A ray of hope

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